David Burris Articles

David Burris Articles

Displaying 426 - 450 of 557

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Date Title Author
02/11/21 COMMENTS ANCIENT & MODERN @ 1st Cor. 7. 9 David Burris COMMENTS_ANCIENT__MODERN__1st_Cor._7._9.pdf
02/11/21 COMMENTS ANCIENT & MODERN @ 1 Cor. 15. 29 David Burris COMMENTS_ANCIENT__MODERN__1_Cor._15._29_1.pdf
02/11/21 COMMENTS ANCIENT & MODERN @ Ephesians 4 Verse 26 David Burris COMMENTS_ANCIENT__MODERN__Ephesians_4_Verse_26.pdf
02/10/21 Raise The White Flag Before God David Burris Raise_The_White_Flag_Before_God.pdf
02/10/21 Are We Killers Killing Killers David Burris Are_We_Killers_Killing_Killers.pdf
02/10/21 Our Blood Brotherhood. David Burris Our_Blood_Brotherhood.pdf
02/10/21 Consequence Determined Decisions David Burris Consequence_Determined_Decisions.pdf
02/10/21 Making MORAL Decisions David Burris Making_MORAL_Decisions.pdf
02/10/21 John Calvin's Doubling Of PREDESTINY David Burris John_Calvins_Doubling_Of_PREDESTINY.pdf
02/09/21 Gods Grace A Gift Free Not Cheap David Burris Gods_Grace_A_Gift_Free_Not_Cheap_1.pdf
02/09/21 The Grace Resistance Movement David Burris The_Grace_Resistance_Movement_1.pdf
02/05/21 The Sinners Prayer Isnt Acceptable David Burris The_Sinners_Prayer_Isnt_Acceptable.pdf
02/05/21 Part One - Four Views OF HELL!! David Burris Part_One_-_Four_Views_OF_HELL.ppt
02/05/21 Part Two - Four Views OF HELL!! David Burris Part_Two_-_Four_Views_OF_HELL_1.ppt
02/04/21 First Creeds Major Errors David Burris First_Creeds_Major_Errors_1.pdf
02/04/21 No Sin Cant Be Forgiven! David Burris No_Sin_Cant_Be_Forgiven.pdf
01/25/21 God Knows Motivation David Burris God_Knows_Motivation_1.pdf
01/23/21 Josephus Subsumed Angel-Giant Hybrid Myth David Burris Josephus_Subsumed_Angel-Giant_Hybrid_Myth.pdf
01/17/21 Are There Harps In Heaven? David Burris Are_There_Harps_In_Heaven.pdf
01/08/21 Relationships Of the Law vs. Grace David Burris Relationships_Of_the_Law_vs._Grace.pdf
01/05/21 No Miracles Today! David Burris NO_MIRACLES_TODAY.pdf
01/02/21 Staggering Christian Graces David Burris Staggering_Christian_Graces.pdf
12/31/20 Division Over The Age Of The Earth David Burris Division_Over_The_Age_Of_The_Earth.pdf
12/30/20 Irreducible Complexity David Burris Irreducible_Complexity.pdf

Displaying 426 - 450 of 557

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